دانلود کتاب FPGA based embedded system developer’s guide۱۳۹۸/۱۰/۱۹ ،۱۹:۱۷:۱۶ +۰۰:۰۰
دانلود کتاب FPGA based embedded system developer’s guide

راهنمای توسعه سیستم های تعبیه شده مبتنی بر FPGA

The book covers various aspects of VHDL programming and FPGA interfacing with examples and sample codes giving an overview of VLSI technology, digital circuits design with VHDL, programming, components, functions and procedures, and arithmetic designs followed by coverage of the core of external I/O programming, algorithmic state machine based system design, and real-world interfacing examples

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درباره کتاب

The book covers various aspects of VHDL programming and FPGA interfacing with examples and sample codes giving an overview of VLSI technology, digital circuits design with VHDL, programming, components, functions and procedures, and arithmetic designs followed by coverage of the core of external I/O programming, algorithmic state machine based system design, and real-world interfacing examples.

• Focus on real-world applications and peripherals interfacing for different applications like data acquisition, control, communication, display, computing, instrumentation, digital signal processing and top module design

• Aims to be a quick reference guide to design digital architecture in the FPGA and develop system with RTC, data transmission protocols

Content: PART-I BASIC SYSTEM MODELING AND PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES1 VLSI TECHNOLOGY: HISTORY, FEATURES AND FPGA ARCHITECTURE 1.1 Introduction and Preview 1.2 A review of Microelectronics 1.3 CMOS Technology and Gate Configuration 1.4 CMOS Fabrication and Layout 1.5 VLSI Design Flow 1.6 Combinational and Sequential Circuit Design 1.7 Subsystem Design and Layout 1.8 Types of ASCICs and Its Design Flow 1.9 VHDL Requirement and Features 1.10 Laboratory Exercises 2 DIGITAL CIRCUIT DESIGN WITH VHDL2.1 Introduction and Preview 2.2 Code Design Structures 2.3 Data Types and their Conversions 2.4 Operators and Attributes 2.5 Concurrent Code 2.6 Sequential Code 2.7 Flip Flop and Their Conversions s 2.8 Data Shift Registers 2.9 Multi-frequency Generator 2.10 Laboratory Exercises 3 SIMPLE SYSTEM DESIGN TECHNIQUES 3.1 Introduction and Preview 3.2 Half and Full Adder 3.3 Half and Full Subtractor 3.4 Signed Magnitude Comparator 3.5 Seven Segment Display Interfacing 3.6 Counter Design and Interfacing 3.7 Digital Clock Design and Interfacing 3.8 PWM Signal Generation 3.9 Special System Design Techniques 3.10 Laboratory Exercises 4 ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL PROGRAMMING 4.1 Introduction and Preview 4.2 Arithmetic Operations: Adders and Subtractors 4.3 Arithmetic Operations: Multipliers 4.4 Arithmetic Operations: Dividers 4.5 Trigonometric Computations Using CORDIC Algorithm 4.6 Multiply-Accumulation Circuit 4.7 Arithmetic and Logical Unit 4.8 ROM Design and Logic Implementations 4.9 RAM Design 4.10 Laboratory ExercisesPART – II CUSTOM I/O PERIPHERALS INTERFACING 5 I/O BANK PROGRAMMING AND INTERFACING 5.1 Introduction and Preview 5.2 Optical Display Interfacing 5.3 Buzzer Control 5.4 LCDs Interfacing and Programming 5.5 General Purpose Switches Interfacing 5.6 Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Decoder 5.7 Optical Sensors Interfacing 5.8 Special Sensors Interfacing 5.9 Wind Speed Sensor Interfacing 5.10 Laboratory Exercises 6 SYSTEM DESIGN WITH FINITE AND ALGORITHMIC STATE MACHINE APPROACHES 6.1 Introduction and Preview 6.2 Finite State Machine (FSM) Design: Moore and Mealy Model 6.3 Code Classifier and Binary to BCD Converters 6.4 Binary Sequence Recognizer 6.5 Vending Machine Controller 6.6 Traffic Light Controller 6.7 Escalator , Dice Game and Model Train Controller Design 6.8 Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) Chart 6.9 ASM Based Digital System Design 6.10 Laboratory Exercises7 INTERFACING DIGITAL LOGIC TO THE REAL WORLD: SENSORS, A/D AND D/A 7.1 Introduction and Preview 7.2 Basics of Signal Conditioning for Sensor Interfacing 7.3 Principle of Sensors Interfacing and Measurement Techniques 7.4 Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) Design 7.5 Multichannel Data Logging 7.6 Bipolar Signal Conditioning and Data Logging 7.7 Encoder/Decoder Interfacing for Remote Control Applications 7.8 PRBS Generator and TDMA 7.9 Signal Generators Design and Interfacing 7.10 Laboratory Exercises PART – III HARDWARE ACCELERATED DESIGNS8 RTC AND INTERFACE PROTOCOL PROGRAMMING 8.1 Introduction and Preview 8.2 Real Time Clock (DS12887) Interface Programming 8.3 I2C Interface Programming 8.4 Two Wire Interface (SHT11 Sensor) Programming 8.5 Serial Peripheral Interface (SCP1000D) Programming 8.6 GSM Interface Programming 8.7 GPS Interface Programming 8.8 PS/2 Interface Programming 8.9 VGA Interface Programming 8.10 Laboratory Exercises 9 REAL-WORLD CONTROL DEVICES INTERFACING 9.1 Introduction and Preview 9.2 Relay, Solenoid Valve, Opto-isolator and DC Motor Interfacing and Control 9.3 Servo and BLDC Motor Interfacing and Control 9.4 Stepper Motor Control 9.5 Liquid/Fuel Level Control 9.6 Voltage and Current Measurement 9.7 Power Electronics Device Interfacing and Control 9.8 Power Electronics Bidirectional Switch Interfacing and Control 9.9 Real-time Process Controller Design 9.10 Laboratory Exercises 10 FLOATING-POINT COMPUTATIONS WITH VHDL AND XILINX SYSTEM GENERATOR (SYS-GEN) TOOLS 10.1 Introduction and Preview 10.2 Representation of Fixed and Floating-Point Binary Numbers 10.3 Floating-Point Arithmetic 10.4 Xilinx System Generator (Sys-Gen) Tools 10.5 Fractional-Point Computation Using Sys-Gen Tools 10.6 System Engine Model Using Xilinx Simulink Block Sets 10.7 MATLAB Code Interfacing with Sys-Gen Tools 10.8 VHDL Code Interfacing with Sys-Gen Tools 10.9 Real-time Verification and Reconfigurable Architecture Design 10.10 Laboratory Exercises PART – IV MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS 11 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING WITH FPGA 11.1 Introduction and Preview 11.2 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 11.3 Digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter Design 11.4 Digital Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter Design 11.5 Multirate Signal Processing 11.6 Modulo Adder and Residual Number Arithmetic (RNA) Systems 11.7 Distributed Arithmetic (DA) Based Computations 11.8 Booth Multiplication-Algorithm and Design 11.9 Adaptive Filter/Equalizer Design 11.10 Laboratory Exercises 12 ADVANCED IP BASED SYSTEM DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS12.1 Introduction and Preview 12.2 FFT Computation using SysGen Design 12.3 FIR Digital Filter Design 12.4 IIR Digital Filter Design 12.5 MAC FIR Filter Using SysGen Design 12.6 CIC Filter Design 12.7 CORDIC Design Using SysGen Tools 12.8 Image Processing using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) 12.9 VHDL Design Debugging Techniques 12.10 Laboratory Exercises 13 CONTEMPORARY DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS 13.1 Introduction and Preview 13.2 DPCM System Design 13.3 Data Encryption System 13.4 Soft Computing Algorithms 13.5 BER Tester Design 13.6 Optical Up/Down Data Link 13.7 Channel Coding Techniques 13.8 Pick and Place Robot Controller 13.9 Audio Codec (AC97) Interface 13.10 Laboratory Exercises References Appendix – A Index
مشخصات کتاب
موضوعات: کتاب آموزشی FPGA, کتاب آموزشی VHDL
برچسب ها: کد نویسی VHDL, نمونه کد FPGA
ناشر کتاب: CRC Press
سال انتشار: 2018
نوع کتاب: PDF
تعداد صفحات کتاب: 846
حجم کتاب: 9 مگابایت
ISBN: 1498796753
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